12 October 2023


Winter Weather

Winter storms can range from a moderate snow over a few hours to a blizzard that lasts for several days. Many winter storms are accompanied by dangerously low temperatures and sometimes by strong winds, ice, sleet and rain. One of the biggest concerns is the winter weather’s ability to knock out heat, power and communications services, sometimes for days at a time. Heavy snowfall and extreme cold can immobilize a wide area.

In a winter weather scenario everyone should:

Check on older neighbours or relatives to make sure they’re safe and well. Make sure they’re warm enough, especially at night, and have stocks of food and medicines so they don’t need to go out during very cold weather.

  • Keep up to date with road and weather conditions and severe weather alerts.
  • Make sure that your community is ready for cold weather by informing them of how to stay safe this winter. www.nhs.uk has useful information on how to KEEP WARM AND KEEP WELL during cold spells.
  • Clear your car of any ice or snow, make sure your car is winter ready and you have a car emergency kit.
  • Wear suitable clothes and footwear.
  • Encourage people to get the flu jab.


  • Insulate pipes in unheated areas such as outbuildings, sheds etc.
  • Thermostatically-controlled heating systems should be left on permanently and set at a minimum temperature.
  • In the event of a building not being used over the winter months, water supplies should be turned off and pipes drained.
  • Repair any dripping taps.
  • If the heating system fails or makes a loud banging noise, this could indicate that a pipe is freezing. Turn off the system and call a plumber immediately.

Burst pipes

  • Turn off the water supply at the main stop valve.
  • Contact an approved plumbing and heating engineer.
  • If your pipes freeze, never use a naked flame to thaw them out.

Snow and Ice

The council should take reasonable care to ensure the safety of the public, employees and volunteers.

If a clearance plan is implemented, it should be maintained for the whole period of adverse weather and the plans on how the process will be managed should be communicated.

Where a council takes on responsibility for clearing snow or ice from paths, it should exercise reasonable care in doing so. Care should be taken in deciding where to move the snow - making sure entrances, side roads or drains are not blocked.

After the snow and ice has been cleared, do not use water as this may cause black ice. Use salt or grit to treat the areas.

Also if the building is to be used over winter, the council needs to ensure that people can enter and leave the building safely, which means that if not gritting paths or car parks, then the building should be closed.

The Snow Code

There is no law stopping you from clearing snow and ice from paths pavements or public spaces outside your home, shop or office.

Don’t be put off clearing snow & ice because you’re afraid someone will get injured. Regardless of what you do, pedestrians & drivers have a responsibility to be careful themselves.

Doing your part may help the local community and will be very helpful to the more vulnerable members of society.

Five tips for staying safe in snow: https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/warnings-and-advice/seasonal-advice/stay-safe-in-snow

Winter driving advice: https://www.theaa.com/driving-advice/seasonal/winter

Slips & trips in icy conditions and winter weather: https://www.hse.gov.uk/logistics/slips-trips-bad-weather.htm


Llangattock Salt bins & Gritting

By canal bridge on Hillside Road

Lime Trees Avenue

On the hill up to the Ffawyddwg, after the canal bridge


Winter gritting
PCC routes available here: https://en.powys.gov.uk/gritting

Report a problem: https://en.powys.gov.uk/article/9901/Report-a-Problem-with-Salt-bins-Gritting-or-Footways


Snow shovels – Llangattock Community Council has a few snow shovels available for residents to borrow if required, please contact one of your local Councillors, details on this website or on the notice boards.

A friendly, vibrant, forward-thinking village in the South East corner of the county of Powys. We are surrounded by the stunning scenery of the Brecon Beacons National Park. 
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