Photo: Tim Jones

Photo: Tim Jones
Flood warden scheme
Llangattock volunteers and Councillors are working to make our community safer in the event of flooding. Recent severe flood events, including Storm Dennis in February 2020, have demonstrated the need to be prepared for flooding and to be able to respond if the worst happens.
The Community Council have set up a working group to investigate the challenges faced by Llangattock residents during flooding, to identify the most vulnerable properties and provide information to owners so they can protect their homes. Vulnerable people have already been given Powys County Council ‘flood packs’ with information about how to prepare and who to contact in an emergency.
Three members of Llangattock Community Council (LCC) have joined the Crickhowell and Villages Flood Warden Scheme, which was set up after Storm Dennis. They have been joined by volunteers who will help to warn residents, provide information and move furniture out of harm’s way if necessary. At other times, Flood Wardens will keep an eye out for potential hazards and contact the relevant authorities if drains or culverts become blocked by fallen trees or debris.
If anyone would like any more information about LCC’s Flood Working Group please email llangattockcc@gmail.com.
Resident & Business Information
If you are in danger or have another emergency: ring 999
When there is a high risk of flooding or a flooding incident is occurring you will be able to contact the flood wardens on numbers provided, or they will be in touch with you.
Or contact the flood warden scheme via the CRiC volunteer bureau which is 01873 812177 Also the crickresponse@gmail.com email address at any time.
We will also post updates about flooding and the risk of flooding on the Crickhowell and Villages Flood Response Facebook page.
You can also ask your flood warden if you would like to be sent regular updates on the up to date flood risk via Whats App, email or text.
Flood wardens are volunteers available to support you to:
- prepare for flooding
- respond to an imminent flood
- act during a flood
- recover from a flood
The aim of the flood warden scheme is to ensure all your household are safe and that any flood damage to your property is minimised.
What you need to do:
- decide how you want to keep up to date with flood risk (we can update you if you ask us to)
- have a plan for what you will do if there is a flood risk and/or actual flooding
- have a plan for how you will move furniture or get sandbags if required (we may be able to assist if you are unable to sort this yourself)
Flood wardens CAN:
- help you keep streams and culverts near your home clear if you are unable to do so (provided they are not running fast or deep)
- contact you if there is a flood risk (you will need to tell us that you want us to)
- keep in touch with you during a flood if you tell us you want us to
- be contacted if you need more support during a flood
- advise you where you can get sandbags
- deliver sandbags too - but only if they are not busy elsewhere and if you are unable to collect them and the roads are clear
- advise you about your flood planning
- work with you to keep an eye on streams, culverts, drains etc that may cause flooding
- support the local authority if they close roads
- support the local authority if they open the Rest Centre at Crickhowell (High School) or Llangattock (St Catwg’s) church
Flood wardens CAN’T:
- Stop flooding
- Rescue you if you are in danger (you should call 999)
- Clear gulleys and streams whilst they are in full flow as this is
dangerous - Go into flood water
Floodline: 0345 9881188
Natural Resources Wales Incident Hotline: 0300 065 3000