The original Llangattock Horticultural Society was formed in 1922.  Its aims were “ to promote and improve the cultivation of Flowers, Fruit and Vegetables, and to encourage neat and good gardening amongst Cottagers etc.

The Society evolved over the years and the Llangattock Annual Show became a major event involving not only a horticultural show with flowers, fruit and vegetables but sports competitions,  sheep dog trials, a livestock show and open gardens.

Sadly, due to a terrible storm one year, the major marquee blew away and was wrecked.  Replacement costs were unsupportable so the organisers decided to call it a day and the Society’s activities came to an end.

In 2008 the Llangattock Community Council decided with residents to explore the idea of setting up an allotment site on the Legar Field between the Recreation Ground and the Vine Tree.  The Llangattock Area Community Allotment Society (LACAS) was formed and in 2009, the land was leased to them for 15 years.

Cultivation of the hitherto sheep pasture began in Spring 2009 and soon 50 allotment plots began to take shape.  The rocks that were excavated from that river valley ground could have built a small house.

Allotmenteers set to and put in fencing, an edible hedge and an orchard. The crowning achievement of the hard-working Committee was to be awarded a grant from British Gas through the Green Valleys initiative to sink a bore-hole and install a solar-powered pump to give the allotments a plentiful supply of water.  Until then, all water had been either saved from rainfall, or brought in containers on to the plots.

Further grants were awarded by the Big Lottery Fund and Waitrose to set up a raised bed area for those with back or other mobility problems.  This is now complete with a seating area, pot plants in place and vegetables flourishing and is set to become one of the Society’s focal points.

Alongside the transformation of this patch of Llangattock land has been the social side of life – wassailing evenings and non-fireworks bonfire nights in the darker days of the year, summertime theatrical events (subsidised by the Arts Council of Wales), BBQs and Big Lunches and last but not least, the Annual Allotment Summer Show, Dog Show and Party held in early September.  In 2020 we’ve been unable to hold any of these events, although we did stage a Socially-Distanced Allotment Show, whereby allotmenteers displayed their produce on a table on their own plots.  We’ve also got a chicken group and a bee group.

At present the allotment site is fully occupied and LACAS do have a waiting list.  However, should you wish to get in touch with the Committee for any reason the email is: and there is a Facebook page:   Llangattock Allotments – LACAS.


A friendly, vibrant, forward-thinking village in the South East corner of the county of Powys. We are surrounded by the stunning scenery of the Brecon Beacons National Park. 
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